If you want to grow in excellence, hang out with people who will challenge you. If you want to remain average, surround yourself with people who agree with you.

— Jay Meyer —

Wheel of Life God at Center-Relational PPT

If you want to grow in excellence, hang out with people who will challenge you.  If you want to remain average, surround yourself with people who agree with you.  ~Jay Meyer

Today we continue our focus on the relational component of our Wheel of Life.

The following is from my book, In Search of PEACE:

On more than one occasion, I’ve been asked to deliver a message to the third-year pharmacy students at the annual Ohio Northern University pharmacy mentorship dinner.  The third year is a pivotal year in the life of a pharmacy student.  It’s a time for these soon-to-be professionals to begin thinking about the real world and what they want to do in three years after they graduate as Doctors of Pharmacy.

The mentorship program is an opportunity to bring back pharmacy “veterans” like myself to lend guidance to these future health care professionals.

The point I make to the third-year pharmacy students is very basic…I share with them that they will become the decisions they make in their lives, and the people they choose to seek guidance from, i.e. their mentors, will play a big part in their decision-making process and subsequent successes and/or failures.

It is pretty easy for me to compare and contrast my crash and burn “mentors” from the past with my uplifting mentors of today.

Years ago Capital One commercials used the tag line, “What’s in your wallet?”  Their goal was to convince consumers the Capital One credit card is the best.  Take a moment and ask yourself, “Who’s in your space?  Who do you seek guidance from?

If you want to grow in excellence, hang out with people who will challenge you.

If you want to remain average, surround yourself with people who agree with you.

Proverbs 11:14, “there is safety in having many advisers.”

Make a decision today to fill your “community-space” with great people…and try your best to listen to what they have to say.

Additional Scripture: Proverbs 27:17, Proverbs 13:20, Hebrews 10:24-25

Name IT:         Who are your mentors? Who’s helping you with your decisions?

Claim IT:         Do you need to enhance your mentors? Are there some people you need to stay away from?  Staying away from them does not mean we quit loving them, it simple means we value our growth more than we do having a relationship with them.

Dump IT:        Add these people to your Dump List and pray for them to find the same peace and happiness you are in search of today.


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