Category: Peace


Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.

— Lao Tzu —

Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you…

3 Steps to Success

Success = knowing your purpose, knowing your boundaries, knowing your key daily habits, AND living them to the best of your ability one day at a time.

— JMeyer —

Success = knowing your purpose, knowing your boundaries, knowing your key daily habits, AND living them to the best of your ability one day at a time…

Peace Overlook

See everything; overlook a great deal; correct a little.

— Pope John XXIII —

See everything; overlook a great deal; correct a little…

Easter and Steadfast Peace

God’s peace is not the calm after the storm. It’s the steadfastness during it.

— Unknown —

God’s peace is not the calm after the storm. It’s the steadfastness during it…

Sit Back and Observe

Learn to sit back and observe, not everything needs a reaction.

— Unknown —

Learn to sit back and observe, not everything needs a reaction…

Fearlessness and Peace

Fearlessness presupposes calmness and peace of mind.

— Mahatma Gandhi —

Reflection Being fearless doesn’t mean one is not afraid. Being afraid of the unknown is being human. Staying afraid of the unknown is being human without tapping into the amazing powers of Jesus. Only one Being knows the outcomes of the unknowns of your life. Entrust your unknowns to Him and direct your focus on…

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Lent, Peace, Tunnels, and Light

The light at the end of the tunnel is your life; the tunnel is temporary.

— Unknown —

The light at the end of the tunnel is your life; the tunnel is temporary…

Despair and Him Crucified

The greatest faith is born in the hour of despair. When we can see no hope and no way out, then faith rises and brings the victory.

— Lee Robertson —

The greatest faith is born in the hour of despair. When we can see no hope and no way out, then faith rises and brings the victory…

Brokenness, A Savior, and Peace

Being the light of the world is about being a broken, exploding, scarred star and shining a light of hope and inspiration to everyone around you.

— Ricky Maye —

Being the light of the world is about being a broken, exploding, scarred star and shining a light of hope and inspiration to everyone around you…

Peace and What We Know

We do not fear the unknown. We fear what we think we know about the unknown

— Teal Swan —

We do not fear the unknown. We fear what we think we know about the unknown…