Lent Day 27 – Peace and Praying Through

Peace is on the other side of facing your fears, covering them in prayer, and pushing through.

— JMeyer —


The other day, as I was heading to the Y for a rigorous swim workout, I thought: the longer I live, the more I realize that pushing through one’s fears is the key to achieving any goal in life.

On that particular day, I was tired, and the last thing I wanted to do was jump into a cold pool. But after decades of working out and training, I know that the only way to overcome the desire to cancel a workout is to say a quick prayer and get started.

I know myself well enough to understand that the reason I was dreading the workout was the same reason I needed it. I had an intense two weeks of doing what I do in my professional life, and my brain was tired—and my brain was tired because it was jam-packed full of thoughts and ideas.

A good swim is one of the best exercises to cleanse my mind of draining thoughts.

So I jumped in, and when I was done, my mind was calm, and my spirit was at peace.


What challenge are you putting off because of fear?

Have you prayed about it?


Peace is on the other side of facing your fears, covering them in prayer, and pushing through…I always write from experience.

Journal your thoughts:

What am I grateful for today?

In what way(s) will I bring light to the world today?

What will I deny myself to draw closer to God and gain more peace in my life today?


God, I offer myself to Thee—To build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life. May I do Thy will always! Amen. (Third Step Prayer – Chapter 5, pg.63, The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous)



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