Lincoln’s quote reminded me of a habit I developed many years ago. Whenever I had a project or speaking engagement, I would set the due date for completion a week ahead of the actual due date. This habit gave me a week to make the final product even better.
I continue this discipline today as it forces me to look ahead and try my best of including the crucial aspects of my tomorrows into a few minutes of my todays. This discipline also allows me to calm any and all anxiety that may arise from what I know I need to do tomorrow.
A habit I created many years ago includes sitting down on the weekend and developing the following lists for the upcoming week:
- DO–Present projects and meetings I need to get done this week.
- TO DO–Future projects I need to work on this week.
- WILL DO–Future, future projects that will eventually land on my TO DO list. This list is purely for mental preparation.
The key to making all of this happen is by identifying my priorities and avoiding life’s ‘gnats’ which are always trying to distract me.
Psalm 90:12, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”Â