No Limits

The sky is not the limit...I am.

— T. F. Hodge —

The ability to overcome our self-imposed limits is the first step in being able to experience the type of life we often think is unrealistic.

I often find myself cringing inside when I am talking to someone who speaks in the terms of “if only.”  If only I had more money, an understanding boss a better childhood, etc…

The two words “if only” are the two biggest cop-out words in the English language.

All great lives and world movements were/are started by someone having the courage to say, “what if there were no limits?”

Ask yourself that question and write down a vision for you life, turn the vision over to God, bridge the vision with reality by creating a plan, and suddenly you are introduced to the world of limitless possibilities.


Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me.”

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