Proverbs 13…get rich slow AND steady wins the race

If there is one thing I’ve learned in life is the fact there are no free lunches.  In the 13th Proverb Solomon clearly states what it takes in order to grow wealth and it is a 4 letter word many people do not want to hear…W-O-R-K.  Although work is the key to growing wealth it is also important to have the discipline to spend less than we earn.  Our great country has tried to create a formula for wealth based on plastic cards, but no matter how we may try to manipulate the system, eventually the “plastic debt” must be paid off.  We live in a world of “quick fixes” and there are no “quick fixes” to gaining wealth.  Most of us as children were exposed to the most powerful story known to mankind when it comes to growing wealth or growing anything, “The Tortoise and the Hare.”  What did we learn?      S  L  O  W    A  N  D     S   T  E  A  D  Y     W  I  N  S     T  H  E     R  A  C  E !!!!!!!!!

Proverbs 13:4, “Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.” (NLT)

Proverbs 13:11, “Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes disappear; wealth from hard work grows over time.” (NLT)

Solomon even gives us incentive to grow wealth in the 22nd verse of Proverbs 13; “Good people leave an inheritance to their grand-children…”  If you need a good reason to work hard and spend less in order to grow wealth, think long term and picture how your wealth can play a positive role in the lives of your grand-children and beyond.

Remember…there are no free lunches and slow and steady always wins the race.


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