This is day five of the new year. Â I assume you have some goals you are trying to accomplish. Â Have you started backsliding into old behaviors? If not, good for you!
For those of you who are already struggling I suggest you ask yourself the following question; “Who can best help me stay on course during my goal achievement journey?”
Back in 1987 during this time of year, I had one goal I absolutely positively had to achieve on a daily basis. Â It was a life and death type of goal. I had to stay sober one day at a time. Â I was convinced if I relapsed I would die.
My recovery walk taught me the importance of surrounding myself with the right people as well as the importance of listening and asking questions. Â I learned so much from the recovery process but the most important lesson I learned is nothing great in life occurs by doing it alone.
The devil uses fear in the form of pride or poor self worth to convince us we either have all the answers or we are not worthy of receiving them from others.
Who are you walking with?
It makes all the difference.
Proverbs 15:22, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.† (NIV)