Inspiring Goals

People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals - that is, goals that do not inspire them.

— Toni Robbins —

The 2017 EagleLaunch blogs will be focused on various attributes needed in order to create purpose and focus in your life.

The first step in creating purpose in your life is to decide what it is you want to do.

Napoleon Hill once said, “There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to possess it.”

…you either live your life or someone else will live it for you

What is your purpose?  What makes your heart sing?  What makes your heart bleed?

Write it down and make this the year you act on it.


Hebrews 12:1, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” (ESV)

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