More Time – NOT

The trouble is, you think you have time.

— Buddha —

“We thought we had more time, but we don’t,” was at the end of a message my wife received from a friend whose husband is dying of Alzheimer’s disease. These people are our age. They are our friends. Our kids grew up together. Somehow Tony drew the card for spending the final ten years of his life journeying through the ugly process of Alzheimer’s.

Have you ever read something and you feel as though it served as a wake up call? Well that’s what happened to me yesterday morning when I read that statement from the email my wife forwarded to me from Tony’s wife.

The fact is, we all think we have more time…but we don’t.

I’ve attended way more funeral viewings and funerals than I ever wanted to attend over the last few months. Most recently a family friend and fellow Covington Alumnus dropped dead of a heart attack at the age of 56. What was even more sobering and ironic was he died on my birthday.

Whatever you’ve been thinking about doing–just do it. This could be a ‘bucket list’ item but more importantly I’m talking about ‘people items.’

Has God been nudging you to reconnect with an old friend or a family member?

Or even more importantly, has God been nudging you to forgive or make amends with someone? Is there anything worse than going to our grave with resentments and/or wrongs we haven’t righted?

Whatever the case…we think we have more time, but we don’t.


Psalm 90:12, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”

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