Daily focalPOINT – My Source

I’m only as good as the last time I spent time with my Maker…

I often write about the importance of having mentors and assume you all know who my number one mentor is but if you don’t it is God.

God truly possesses infinite wisdom…I am a fool who writes from experience.  A habit I developed years ago was to spend time in the morning tapping into this infinite wisdom through prayer, meditation and scripture reading.  Something I always try to do is read the Proverb matching up with the day of the month and today’s Proverb is loaded with pearls of wisdom.

Reading the Bible is like having a conversation with God and I find it is a great way to open the day and close the day.  This habit does not make me perfect but it sure as heck has made me better.

Proverbs 3 (click to read…it’s a good one)



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