Emotion into Action

“Success in anything often begins with an emotional spark derived from the spirit, but it continues and comes to fruition ONLY when consistent, persistent, and focused effort is put forth one day at a time.”  ~JJM

I’m just finishing up a three day, action packed, emotionally driven AdvoCare Success School.  AdvoCare is one of a hand full of businesses I am tied to today and I feel blessed to be part of such a positive organization that is giving people health and financial hope.

The school is intended to give people the desire to go out and grow their own AdvoCare businesses.  It is an entrepreneur’s dream because AdvoCare corporate takes care of all the “back office” work and all the owners have to do is attract and retain customers (the key to success in any business).

As a life coach and business consultant I enjoy listening to people share their success stories throughout the three day event and although each of them has a unique genesis as to why AdvoCare became a part of their life, they all merge together and have a common theme once they decided to run it as a business.

My opening quote, is the common theme for those who succeed in AdvoCare and those who don’t.

This quote applies to all aspects of your life whether it be spiritual, professional, relational, financial, health and wellness, and emotional.

There are no free lunches.

Anything great in life takes effort and work, neither of which are always fun.  My license plate has “EFFORT” on it to remind me of that fact.  🙂

…nuff said

If you are tired of building someone else’s empire and would like to begin building your own by owning your own business, shoot me an email and we will connect.  AdvoCare has been around for twenty years and is a solid company built upon Godly principles.  What attracted me to it was the fact it provided solutions for two major crises that’s going on in the U.S. today:  health and finance.



Proverbs 12:11, “Those who work their land will have abundant food”

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