Running with a purpose…

So how are the New Year’s resolutions going?  I shared a couple of mine with you and so far I’ve been able to keep the promises I made to myself with the exception of starting on my book.  I’m going to have to figure out a way to write in the morning because by evening my mind is not where I need it to be.  I’ve already lost 6 pounds and should have no problem getting to my goal of losing 10 pounds.  The drop in weight has taken place because I’ve denied myself of mid-day and post dinner sweets and replaced them with high protein low fat energy bars.  It is amazing how losing weight adds extra energy to the body and mind and in turn it helps me be more productive.  

One of my favorite self help books is “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Steven Covey.  Next to the Bible it is the one book I’ve read more than any other.  The Third Habit in Covey’s book is “Putting First Things First.”  I believe this habit is what separates those who achieve their goals from those that don’t.  Putting first things first means we prioritize our lives and then our various goals become by-products of what is important to us.  It is easier to deny ourselves of things when we know where our priorities are.  For example as a part of my priority to be fiscally responsible, I have a goal of staying debt free today and in order to do that I deny myself of the urge to buy a second home in a warmer place than Ohio.  My number one priority is to stay sober by growing closer to Jesus.  Because of this, the first thing I do every day is pray and read the Bible and deny myself the urge to do emails and check Google News.  My wife and kids are next and because of that I quit running around with the “guys” years ago.  Having priorities in place creates a way to deny self of those things that prevent us from being productive in our various roles and responsibilities.

The point I am trying to make is until you’ve taken time to prioritize your life you will never consistently achieve your goals.  Developing priorities is the best way to deny self and denying self is the best way to achieve goals.  One of the first business books I ever read was written by a sales gurue named Tom Hopkins and he had a slogan that he said to himself throughout everyday “I must do the most productive thing possible at every given moment.”  I modified this saying based on my priorities to “I must do the most productive thing possible at every given moment as a Christian soldier.” 

This all sounds difficult, but if you have your priorities in place it is not hard to do.”  Idle chit chat, mindless internet surfing, worthless television viewing and hanging out with negative faces in negative places all become things of the past.   I refer to my life today as a life where I am “Running With a Purpose.”  Paul shares with us in 1 Corinthians 9:24 “So I run with purpose in every step.  I am not just shadow boxing.” 

If you are struggling with your New Year’s resolutions take time to review your priorities and ask yourself if you are “running with a purpose.”


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