Yesterday morning I got up at my usual time and sat down to do my daily program of devotion, meditation and prayer.
My heart was extremely heavy because Paris had been attacked by terrorists the night before and a couple days earlier forty lives were taken in a senseless bombing in Beirut.
I did a lot of praying and meditating yesterday morning and I had a fair share of questions for God.
I know evil has been around since the beginning of mankind but over the past few years it has really picked up. Â We could be getting close to the world ending but what do I have to fear? Â I have Jesus and eternity. Â My fear is for everyone, including the terrorists who don’t have Jesus.
Then I decided to look for something to be grateful for as I was getting a bit depressed and suddenly I caught a glimpse of the sunrise.
As I watched the color of the sky change and spread light on the world outside my window I took in a huge breath of gratitude and then felt the fear of evil leave my body as I exhaled.
I then walked outside and repeated the exercise as I breathed in a grateful breath of cool autumn air and blew any fear that was left in my body into the breeze.
Then I looked into the sky and thanked God for my freedom.
Yesterday morning I felt an abundance I had not felt in a while.
Gratitude definitely trumps fear.
My prayer is that during this time of evil unrest in the world, the people of our great nation will look around and understand just how lucky they are to be able to live in such an amazing country that allows us to breathe freedom on a daily basis.
John 10:10, “The thief’s (devil) purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its abundance.”