“To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.” ~Buddha
Sometimes I feel guilty because of an advantage I have on many people.
The advantage comes from screwing my life up so bad twenty-six years ago that I was laying flat on my back with nowhere to look but up. (I would not recommend intentionally screwing your life up, if you are looking for an advantage :).)
In that moment of despair, anguish, shame and self-pity, I realized how fragile life was and how quickly everything can go away. Â In that moment I gained a new perspective on life.
From that point forward I began to appreciate the important things in life like family, health, friends and most importantly-God.
From that point forward I’ve tried my best to never take anything for granted.
From that point forward I’ve tried my best to never view anything I’ve accomplished or received as mine. It is simply a blessing on loan from my Creator.
From that point forward I’ve tried to stay in the moment and find the beauty because it is always there.
On August 9, 1987, I gained an advantage by losing everything…it was the only way I was going to learn humility…it was the last day I drank or drugged.
Today, August 9, 2013, I never forget why I have an advantage and is the reason I got up this morning and “lost everything” by dying to self and turning my life over to God for another day of adventure.
The advantage comes from a life fueled by God instead of self will…”I can’t, God can, I think I will let Him.”
Pretty Simple.
Proverbs 21:20, “In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.”
Colossians 3:2, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”
My book, “In Search of P.E.A.C.E.,” is a 50-Day transformational journey that will help you create a daily ritual of dying to self and being raised by the Lord. All proceeds from this book go to support Joshua Recovery Ministries in Dayton, Ohio. I now have copies of the books I can ship to you and Joshua Recovery will make more money if you purchase the books directly from me instead of through Amazon. If you would like a book, send me a check for $13.50 to 7910 N. McMaken Rd., Covington, Ohio 45318 and include your address and I will ship you a book.