Proverbs 6:6-11, “Go to the ant, you slacker! Observe its ways and become wise. Without leader, administrator, or ruler, it prepares its provisions in summer; it gathers its food during harvest. How long will you stay in bed, you slacker? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the arms to rest, and your poverty will come like a robber, your need like a bandit.”
I often marvel at the infomercials for weight loss devices. What a brilliant idea someone came up with years ago. The reason I say brilliant is because our country is filled with people that want to change and grow…it’s why we became America. But our country has also eveolved into a “people” who will change and grow only if it happens instantly. I would love to research how many exercise devices purchased over the past couple of years are still in use today. Most people watching these commercials are watching them because they don’t have anything better to do and/or  because they haven’t figured out what it takes to change and then the commercial creates an emotion and then a picture of “what I will look like with ripped abs” and boom we go on line or call the number and we think and believe we are going to change as soon as the new device shows up. Sometimes this works, but I have a feeling most of the time it doesn’t…most garage sales have some form of exercise equipment for sale…if you get my point.
I’m not throwing stones here, I’ve been there, done that.
But in the Proverb above Solomon refers to a very small creature with no leader or television to tell them what to do…they just do it and they do it in a methodical, patient and focused way and they understand they will reap the rewards from their work today, not instantly, but in the future. Hmmm, maybe our federal government should start studying the ways of the ant. 🙂
There are a couple of fundamental keys to successfully attaining goals. This first is discipline (i.e. the willingness to do what you know you need to do even though you don’t want to do it.) The second is consistent, focused effort (the ability to do what you don’t want to do, enough times for it to become a habit.) The third is long-term thinking (i.e. the ability to be patient in your discipline and consistent, focused effort understanding change is ever-evolving and what you do today may not show up as a positive change until a few months or years down the road).
Of course all of the above will take place if you practice my P.E.A.C.E. formula one day at a time. “With the power of the Holy Spirit I will responsibly PLAN my life, discipline myself by putting forth maximum EFFORT, take ownership of my ATTITUDE and draw strength from my COMMUNITY while nourishing my spiritual, emotional and physical being in order to have the ENERGY that will be needed in order to fulfill God’s mission for my life.” Even if you can live this way 50% of the time you will make monumental, positive change in your life.
If an ant can “just do it” we ought to be able to “just do it.”
Now go do it.
Caught this on Facebook. So glad I grabbed the link. Awesome message, awesome truth. Starting to get it – thanks for the good word!