Don’t let the opinions of the average man sway you. Dream, and he thinks you’re crazy. Succeed, and he thinks you’re lucky. Acquire wealth, and he thinks you’re greedy. Pay no attention. He simply doesn’t understand.
Great Creates Great
Don’t let the opinions of the average man sway you. Dream, and he thinks you’re crazy. Succeed, and he thinks you’re lucky. Acquire wealth, and he thinks you’re greedy. Pay no attention. He simply doesn’t understand.
There is no lack of knowledge out there…just a shortage of asking for help.
The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own…
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together…
More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren’t so busy denying them.
Form your purpose by asking for counsel, then carry it out using all the help you can get…
Small minds and small people talk about things, average minds and average people talk about other people, great minds and great people talk about dreams, goals, ideas and concepts…
The healthy and strong individual is the one who asks for help when he needs it. Whether he’s got an abscess on his knee or in his soul…
The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
The minute you think you have all the answers is the minute you begin digressing. The wisest people I know ask a lot more questions than they give answers…