Don’t let the opinions of the average man sway you. Dream, and he thinks you’re crazy. Succeed, and he thinks you’re lucky. Acquire wealth, and he thinks you’re greedy. Pay no attention. He simply doesn’t understand.
Great Creates Great
Don’t let the opinions of the average man sway you. Dream, and he thinks you’re crazy. Succeed, and he thinks you’re lucky. Acquire wealth, and he thinks you’re greedy. Pay no attention. He simply doesn’t understand.
The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own…
I would much rather learn from watching a person’s walk than listening to them talk. ~Jay Meyer Today, we continue our focus on the relational component of our Wheel of Life. I believe a big reason for the world’s not so lustrous view of Christianity is that many Christians find God, they get saved,…
 Being a recovering drug addict and someone who has helped others with the disease of addiction, I know it is not the drugs and/or alcohol that eventually kills the user, it is denial. Today I know denial of the truth or denial of even wanting to know the truth is a common denominator among…
 Nothing great in life happens by doing it alone. If you are trying to make the most of yourself it will not happen without surrounding yourself with wise counsel. Sometimes the most powerful three words we can say are, “I need help.” Who are you listening to? Who are you talking with? Who is…
How great is your mind? Greatness and excellence in your life will only happen if you choose to spend time with the right people, places and things. If you want to be great hang out with great, read about great, study great and become great. P.E.A.C.E. Jay@EagleLaunch Proverbs 15:14, “A wise person is hungry…
 On the flip side of that coin, misery loves company. Who are hanging out with these days? Do they bring you joy or misery? With all of that being said, there is only one thing worse than two miserable people commiserating and that is a one person commiserating with the committee in his or…
 The key is knowing when we need help and that usually happens by surrounding ourselves with people who love us enough to ask us the tough questions and/or tell us what we need to hear. P.E.A.C.E. Proverbs 12:15, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man…
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.” ~Mark Twain Do you have ambitions? Are you hanging around others with similar ambitions? If people are belittling your ambitions (as Twain notes above), it’s not their fault,…
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. ~African Proverb Nothing great in life will take place by doing it alone. Surround yourself with people who want you to succeed which means surround yourself with people who will tell you what you need to hear, not what…