One of my virtual “mentors” is Jim Rohn and I found this on his website yesterday: ACTIVITY & LABOR You must learn to translate wisdom and strong feelings into labor. The miracle of the seed and the soil is not available by affirmation; it is only available by labor. Make rest a necessity, not an…
Category: Discipline
Daily focalPOINT – Start
“A year from now you will wish you had started today.â€Â ~Karen Lamb …agree P.E.A.C.E. Proverbs 14:23, “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”
Daily focalPOINT – Going Deeper
Being wise often means having no need to say a word and having people understand what you aren’t saying… The Proverb for today contains a few more nuggets about what it takes to go from being dumb to adding depth (see yesterday’s blog) to your life. Proverb 19:8; “Those who get wisdom love their own lives;…
Daily focalPOINT – Rock On Dads
Ephesians 6:4, “And fathers, don’t stir up anger in your children, but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” (Holman CSB) Back in the formative years of my adult life I spent way too much time Rocking and Rolling and the rolling consisted of me running away from my duties as a husband…
Daily focalPOINT – More on Wisdom
“I ain’t perfect and never will be but if I’m not aspiring for daily progress I will fall back into the cycle of daily digress.” ~JJM The brain is like any other muscle in the body it needs stretched if it is going to grow in wisdom and understanding. As I mentioned yesterday, Proverbs 3…
Daily focalPOINT – Wisdom
The less I think I know the more I can learn and the more I learn the more I can understand and the more I try to understand the more I can learn to love and accept others right where they are and the more I can learn to love and accept others right where…
Daily focalPOINT – God Delays
“Never think that God’s delays are God’s denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius.” ~Georges-Louis Leclerc Have you ever “made” something happen and wish you didn’t? You know what I mean; you decided to cheat “a little,” maybe cut a few corners, or maybe “muscle” your way through a situation all your…
Daily focalPOINT – Great is a Process
“It isn’t hard to be great from time to time in sports. What’s tough is being great every day.” ~Willie Mays Aspiring to be great is not a one time thing, it’s an all the time thing where more times than not we fall short but we slowly separate ourselves from just being good. Achieving “great”…
Daily focalPOINT – Human Endowments
“Every human has four endowments- self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom… The power to choose, to respond, to change.” ~Stephen Covey …this is why God called us humans and not animals. So many people are not aware of these four endowments and run their lives on…
Daily focalPOINT – Self-Discipline
“Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power. “ ~Clint Eastwood I often think most people take better care of their pets and/or their cars than they take care of themselves. Show me a person who is well groomed, vibrant, fun to be…