“The more a man knows, the more he forgives.” ~Catherine the Great …so I guess the less a man forgives the less he knows… Today I know those who are in constant turmoil and at war with others are simply living in a very small world  where they are always trying to fit others into…
Category: Community
Daily focalPOINT – Respect
“The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.” ~Ann Landers I love this quote from Ann Landers and I also believe the true measure of a leader is how he or she treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. Whether you are trying…
“Shallow is a personal esteem built upon the opinions of others.” ~Jay Meyer How much time do you waste worrying about what other people think about you? I’m not saying we shouldn’t be respectful of others but I am way too busy working on my God-dream to be concerned about what others think or say…
Daily focalPOINT – Peers
“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”  ~Jim Rohn Ever wonder why you think the way you do? Take a look at who you are hanging out with and this includes the “people” on T.V., in books and on tapes. A few people I spend time with every…
Edge Time
If you haven’t figured it out yet, one of my new goals for 2012 is to try to provide a “nugget” of inspiration every day in order to help you stay on course toward achieving greatness in all aspects of your life. Hopefully you all know what my P.E.A.C.E. acrostic stands for. Many years ago…
Daily focalPOINT
The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” ~Harvey Firestone Are you leading and if you are, are you developing others? Are you motivating those you lead? Are you helping those you lead work through the pain of growth? Are you listening to those you lead?  Do you truly care about…
Daily focalPOINT
“Anyone can achieve success at the expense of others; it takes a special person to achieve success for the benefit of others.” ~Jay Meyer Last year our pastor asked us on the day prior to the day someone predicted the world was supposed to end to reflect on what we would change if we knew what…
Daily focalPOINT
“Forgiveness is me giving up my right to hurt you for hurting me.” – Anonymous I don’t know if there is anything more difficult yet liberating than forgiveness. It is quite draining and tiring to carry a back pack full of resentments and grudges every day. Some acts against us are harder to forgive than…
BHAG’S, BHAL’S and Your House
James 4:1, “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?” Well here it is, 2012! I am sure many of you have given thought to changes you want to make in the year of 2012. No one is more goal oriented, driven, disciplined and focused than…
So I am on my way home from work Wednesday evening and my wife has notified me “I’m on my own” as far as dinner goes. Knowing I need to get some gift certificates for a friend’s Christmas present, I figured it would be time-effective to sit at the bar of my friend’s favorite restaurant,…