Category: P.E.A.C.E.

The acronym P.E.A.C.E. serves as a simple way to become the best you can be at everything you do.

A hole in his soul…

Michael Jackson was my all time favorite artist. He was so creative and there was a spirit about his songs that lifted me up no matter how far down I was. His “Bad” album became part of my early recovery because even on my worst days “Bad” had a way of lifting me up. To…

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Focus is paramount in achieving our dreams and goals and our focus becomes blurred and distracted when we focus on things we have no control over. The former UCLA basketball coach John Wooden, who is undoubtedly the greatest college basketball coach of all time, often told others that he very seldom spent time worrying about…

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I’m reading a book “How The Mighty Fail” by Jim Collins. Collins is known for his best selling books about business, “Built to Last” and “Good to Great.” In “How The Mighty Fail” Collins researches and details the reasons why companies that were one time considered great end up failing. He does a great job…

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Last night during our cell group of Christian friends, we had a brief discussion on righteousness and self-righteousness. I shared with the group that the less self-righteous I become the more I realize how much I don’t know and in turn this creates a yearning for me to obtain “God-righteousness.” Isaiah writes in chapter 32,…

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“God meaning”

The following was a part of my morning devotion/reading for Monday, May 25, 2009. This is a “reflection” written by a faithful servant at Ginghamsburg Church. Ginghamsburg has a great on line devotional called the “Transformation Journal.” To see more–go to “Chasing After The Wind” Ecclesiastes 2:10, 11 (TNIV) I denied myself nothing my…

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