Category: P.E.A.C.E.

The acronym P.E.A.C.E. serves as a simple way to become the best you can be at everything you do.

Stubborn or Teachable…

Proverbs 29:1 “Whoever is stubborn after being corrected (rebuked, criticized, instructed) many times will suddenly be hurt beyond cure.” (NCV,NIV,NLT)  I believe Solomon was talking to the alcoholics of his time when he wrote this verse although it applies to anyone who lets stubbornness get in the way of being teachable and experiencing recovery.  Many of us…

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Draw closer…

For those of you struggling spiritually, mentally and/or physically at this time try holding onto the following scripture.  These verses came to me this morning as I was praying for a dear friend and her family who is being challenged with the diagnosis of cancer.  Although we may desire to always walk closely with Jesus, I have found that…

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Spiritual Progress

“You can strive for perfection, your goal can be perfection, your focus can be on perfection but if you require perfection in anything you do in life…you will never be happy.” Gino Auriemma University of Connecticut women’s basketball coach…as his team is closing in on a perfect season. At the beginning of most Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings the…

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Who’s in your space?

In a couple of weeks I will be delivering the keynote message to Ohio Northern University’s third year pharmacy students at the annual ONU Pharmacy Mentorship Dinner.  The third year is a pivotal year in the life of a pharmacy student.  It’s a time for these soon to be professionals to begin thinking about the real world and what they…

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