For some reason I always viewed the age of seventy as the beginning of my journey of digression from the strong and relevant man the first seventy years of my life created. I’m not saying this is truth. What I’m saying is this is a story I’ve told myself for years.
Do any of you deal with thoughts like this?
They are just thoughts. Thank God! Our thinking becomes our version of the truth.
Re-read the quote above.
I no longer view seventy as the beginning of the end for me. When I’m seventy, I still plan on entering new caves and adding to my treasure called life. I made a conscious decision about this situation and in-turn I no longer fear getting old.
What caves do you need to enter?
What fears and thoughts are preventing you from entering these caves?
I don’t know about you but I’ve decided my digression from life on earth is no longer a number to me but instead the day my soul quits breathing the earth’s air and begins breathing eternal air.
Deuteronomy 34:7, “Moses was 120 years old when he died, yet his eyesight was clear, and he was as strong as ever.” (NLT)