Be Proactive

Be a light, not a judge, a model, not a critic. Little by little, your circle of influence will explode, and you will avoid the emotional metastasizing cancers of complaining, criticizing, competing, comparing, and cynicism. All of these reflect victimization, which is the opposite of being proactive.

— Stephen Covey —

A deeper dive into the opening quote…

In each of our lives, we have areas we can influence. For example, each morning, when I write down the things I am grateful for–my relationship with Jesus, my health, Lori, our kids/grandkids, our resources, and my clients–those are all people and things I can influence…hopefully all in a positive way.

In our lives, we have areas we are concerned about but have little to no influence over, i.e., people, places, things, news, politics, news, politics, and news and politics. Did I mention the news and politics? 🙂

If our goal is to live a worthwhile life, we should focus on areas we can influence.

You only have 1440 minutes in a day. Why not invest your waking hours in becoming this person Covey so eloquently describes:

Be a light, not a judge, be a model not a critic. Little by little, your circle of influence will explode, and you will avoid the emotional metastasizing cancers of complaining, criticizing, competing, comparing, and cynicism, all of which reflect victimization, all of which are the opposite of being proactive.


As your circle of uncontrollable concerns decreases, your circle of influence increases…I always write from experience.

2 Chronicles 20:15, “This is what the Lord says: ‘Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.”


there is no Circle of Influence more significant than God’s.


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