The devil loves for us to wallow on the “pity pot.”
Self-pity is a form of selfishness and it is usually born from fear of something we do not have control over. If we stay on the pity-pot long enough, depression and/or anxiety will set in…a place the devil loves for us to live.
A few years ago a friend and former colleague of mine from my HealthCare Pharmacy days wrote the following to a group of us who were praying for her while she was in the battle of her life against cancer:
“So, I won’t lie. I did have a moment this week. OK, well two moments. One on the way home too. I am not super-human. These things really do effect me. I consciously make the decision each day that today is a good day. I woke up on my own. My life is full of joy. It is obvious that my job here is not done. There is someone yet I have to meet… or someone you need to forward this email to… I am truly inspired with emails I receive from people that I have no idea who they are. I met someone at a ball game last weekend. ‘Are you Aunt Amy?’ I am. ‘I pray for you every day.’ Thank you! Please keep them coming.”
Amy had every right to be on the pity pot but each and every day she fought that ‘right’ by making the conscious decision to make each day a good day filled with joy.
Unfortunately Amy lost her battle with cancer a few months after writing the email above. Lori and I visited her a couple of weeks before her passing and there was no sign she was wallowing in self-pity.
The best way to fight self-pity is by helping others and praying for those who have it a little bit rougher than you do…which isn’t hard to do.
Nothing great in life happens from feeling sorry for ourselves.
1 Thessalonians 5:18, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
What beliefs, thoughts and actions cause you to struggle with self-pity?
Additional Scripture to read and reflect on:Â Â John 5:1-9, Philippians 4:6, Proverbs 23:29-30
P.S. If you know of someone who may benefit from walking with us on this Lenten journey, please forward to them.