May the bridges I burn light the way…
As we continue on our trek to make positive change in our lives in 2015, there is no bigger action step than letting go of the past. Although I’m primarily talking about letting go of people, places and things, this will not happen until we are able to let go of old beliefs and create new ones.
I know people who try to make change through geographical cures (moving), relationship cures (constantly changing relationships), job cures (changing jobs), church cures (changing churches), friends cures (changing friends), dream cures (constantly changing dreams)…I think you get the drift.
Bottom line; nothing in your life is going to change until you change and it begins with changing your beliefs and assumptions.
Changing beliefs and assumptions about life will not take place overnight. If we believe something long enough, for example “life’s not fair,” or “I’m not good enough,” or “my upbringing has ruined me,” – they become a part of our character in the form of a victim mentality.
Real change happens when we take time each day to:  Pray for It, Picture It, Plan It, Practice It and People It.
The 5th P – “People It” is very important in making real change and involves finding people who are able to help guide you in making the change you are striving to make. This may come in the form of professional counseling, coaching or trusted mentors.
I still “People It” today through the likes of Jesus, (the gospels of the Bible), Solomon (Proverbs from the Bible), David (Psalms from the Bible), Stephan Covey, John Maxwell, C.S. Lewis, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. I’ve never met any of these people in person and only one is still alive today, but I make it a daily practice to read something positive every day and these are examples of people I absorb wisdom from by reading their books.
If you are an adult, there is only one person responsible for where you are today and only one person responsible for where you are going and that is YOU.
Proverbs 18:15, “The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.”