Daily focalPOINT – Self Discipline

“The first and best victory is to conquer self.” ~Plato

I believe you will agree with me self-discipline is not easy.  As I mentioned yesterday the beginning of self-discipline is a focused purpose in your life.  If your purpose is to sit around and do nothing then you will not need any self-discipline.

I have found self-discipline begins by taking small steps like going to bed thirty minutes earlier than normal, get up in the morning thirty minutes earlier and during the extra time in the morning spend it praying, meditating and visualizing and planning your day.

For those of you in constant battle with food, try only eating 3/4 portions and slowly work to 1/2 portions while eating slower.

Place a daily limit on television time as well as computer time.

Make up your mind you will arrive to meetings five minutes ahead of schedule.

Prepare your clothing needs for work the night before.

Work out first thing in the morning in order to “get it out of the way.”

Choose to only put good stuff in your head which will require you to hang around good people, read good books and watch good, informative media.

If you are already doing all of the above, you are doing a great job of conquering self.  If not, self is still whipping your butt.



Hebrews 12:11, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

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