“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” Zig Ziglar
I already wrote about procrastination and the same type of fear causing us to procrastinate also causes us to be vulnerable to distractions. The enemy loves to distract us as distractions cause us to go off course, or for some people; to never have a course.
Some blame their state of being easily distracted on Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (A.D.H.D.). If that is your problem, there are some great medications available to help treat it. I have overcome my A.D.H.D. tendencies by spending time alone connecting with God first thing in the morning, exercising intensely every day, and having a plan with a purpose for the day.
Co-dependency is a distraction seen quite often in the recovery community and occurs when we let other peoples’ problems and distractions become our own.
Examples of other distractions include the internet, gossip, quarrels, resentment, pity parties, worry, illness, television etc..
The bottom line is distractions are easy to find if we are looking for them.
A daily plan with a God-purpose behind it is a great way to fend off distractions, beat your fears, and continue to grow.
Pray for focus, picture what a life without distractions would look like, create a plan without distractions and then practice focused execution a day at a time.
Get some purpose and direction in your life and you will no longer be affected by distractions.
BTW…to all my Facebook friends out there-I have deactivated my account until the Monday after Easter…a distraction I can live without for three weeks.
Proverbs 13:4, “Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.”