“God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrows, or sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.” ~Unknown
As we progress on our path of living our God-Purpose one day at at time, there is one thing we can all count on, there will be problems along the way. I have found through my faith in God the problems are simply opportunities in disguise…thanks Gary Busey for reminding me of this quote on the latest Celebrity Apprentice…my wife reminds me that Gary and I have a lot of similarities. 🙂
During our pastor’s Easter message this past weekend he asked us if we ever doubted that there really was a Jesus or a heaven or a God. I thought for a second and thought, “No, I don’t doubt it, there are some things I don’t understand but I don’t doubt it.”
I believe the problem with those who doubt is they are unable to accept the fact that as humans we have finite minds trying to wrap our thoughts around the actions of a God of infinity, a God of no limits.
Oh sure, it kills me when I think about all of the tragedy that goes on in our world. The senseless murders, genocide, horrific accidents, terrible diseases…I could go on and on and on. But whoever said God would prevent murder, tragedy, accidents or disease? Nowhere in the Bible does God ever say there won’t be difficult times but all throughout the Bible He tells us to seek Him in the difficult times and He will give us strength, comfort and light, no matter how dark life has become.
Maybe I have no problem believing in God because in my own life and in my life of helping alcoholics and addicts I’ve seen hell and darkness and I’ve seen the light and how it whips darkness every day of the week. It is light that allows us to see God no matter how dark the devil tries to make things look.
But…we need to flip the switch to the “Light,” to “ON.”
God is not here to fix our lives and make everything perfect from our finite, human-mind perspective. God is here to live through us and change the way we look at life and those around us and in-turn help others look at life differently.
Faith in God allows us to see the light regardless of the darkness.
I was reminded of this when I heard the news that our church had lost a young woman to cancer last week after a three year battle. A year after her diagnosis this young lady posted the following on her Facebook page:
One year today I had surgery to remove a small tumor. Instead it turned out to be cancer that had spread to other parts of my body. Dear Cancer, You thought that you were going to break me, yet you helped put me back together. I am more blessed now than ever and I have learned so much about myself, life and others. What is intended to be bad God can use as good. You strengthened my marriage, brought my family closer, made me trust God more than ever and get rid of the things in life that I did not need. You opened my eyes and now I can see more clearer.
Genesis 50:20, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”