This quote reminds me of the commercial for Direct T.V. that was airing a couple of years ago about the man who attended a motivational conference and left feeling good about himself and because he felt good about himself he went to Vegas in hopes of feeling better and while in Vegas he lost everything and he ended up having to sell his hair to a wig shop for money.
Too many of us are into quick fixes these days. We listen to a speech, read a book, watch a video…you name it…and then we get all excited and motivated and decide we are going to change the world…instantly. I believe I am old and wise enough to tell you that isn’t how “it” works and “it” is life.  The road to changing the world begins by changing ourselves, which takes work and more than a motivational speech.
Life is a journey that involves the compilation of decisions we’ve made in our lives. Decisions about what we are going to do, decisions about what we aren’t going to do and decisions about how we handle situations we have little or no control over. But more importantly decisions about how many “good hours” we choose to live each and every day.
How many “good hours” do you live each day? Are you finishing the moments or simply jumping from one emotion driven moment to another?
If you find yourself jumping from one thing to the next you may want to step back and take a look at your God Purpose and see if all of your “jumping” is taking you to your purpose.
A well defined purpose with a plan is the best way to live “good hours” and avoid having to sell your hair to a wig shop.
Job 12:12-13, “Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days. With God are wisdom and might; he has counsel and understanding.” (ESV)