Gratitude Doubled by Happiness and Wonder

I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.

— G.K. Chesterton —

Thanks are the highest form of thought…

Hmm, when I first read the quote by Chesterton I wasn’t so sure I agreed, and then I decided to give it a test.

Something that has been gnawing at me the past several months is the presidential election. It’s not the election that heaves negative energy upon me but how people became so angrily obsessed with it. Especially people proclaiming to be Christ-followers.

I then decided to take my thought higher. To take it above the clouds of peoples’ opinions to a place where I found clarity and gratitude for the fact in America we are able to have opinions and not be punished for them. In that moment of “thought elevation,” I found thanks and I was able to move on and not look back.

Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder…

When I journaled the second part of Chesterton’s quote, my inner spirit immediately lit up and took me to an occurrence that happened two weekends ago.

Have you ever had something crazy-good happen in your life that it becomes forever indelibly etched in your mind? I have had a dozen or so of those moments over the years and one just took place a week ago.

Our niece recently got married and our entire family was home for the wedding…more importantly, our two granddaughters were home. 🙂

Our oldest granddaughter loves to take rides in our four-wheeler through our woods and in the morning on one of our rides she shouted, “J-Pa look.” I looked around not knowing what she had seen and said, “What do you want me to look at, Taylor?” She said, “The sparkle on top of the pond!” I said, “Isn’t it amazing?” and then I asked her if she knew why it sparkled and with an inquiring/puzzled look of wonderment on her face, she said, “The sun?” I said, “Yes! The sun makes everything sparkle.” She said, “It sure does J-Pa.”

We drove on…but the gratitude and happiness I felt at that moment will never leave me.

Gratitude certainly is happiness doubled by wonder.

What areas of your life are causing you angst? Try finding something or someone to be thankful for and the angst will be lifted.

When is the last time you allowed yourself to get absorbed into a mindset of grateful wonderment? It’s all around you if you look and desire to be happy.

A final thought…

Have you all noticed that since the election, the sun has been shining brighter than ever?

I don’t believe in coincidences.

As noted from the thankful, wondering spirit of a four-year-old…the sun makes EVERYTHING sparkle.

God is ALWAYS in control…if you so choose to allow Him.

Psalm 96:11-12, “Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.”


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