I’m in the first one-third of the sixth decade of my life and never in my sixty-two years have I ever observed so many hopeless souls.
Social media gives me the ability to make this observation.
There is so much fear disguised in anger and intolerance in our world today.
I’m guessing it’s always been there except up to this point most people have kept it hidden.
Uncertainty wreaks havoc on souls not grounded in a faith in Christ. A faith that guarantees delivery on the promises found in having hope.
Said Differently
For those of us who follow Christ, this is a season of hope.
For those of us who follow Christ, every season is a season of hope.
Hope in Action
I still am amazed at the courage my dad showed when given the news that he had very little time to live. Within twenty-four hours of being made aware of his fate, he made the difficult decision to turn the care of his mental and physical state over to Hospice of Miami County.
During Hospice’s initial interview at the hospital, he was asked, “Do you know what Hospice is?” He firmly replied, “Sure, I get to go home and die.”
Dad was ready.
He knew Christ, even though he would often joke that he didn’t know if he had what it would take in order to gain entry to the streets of gold.
He had what it took.
He believed in and lived for Christ.
His hope in eternal life gave him the courage to die gracefully five days after going home.
His hope assured him that there was nothing to be afraid of in going home to die because he knew he was really going home to live eternally.
Action Steps
So what’s this season of hope all about, especially when it seems as if there are more hopeless souls wandering the earth than ever before?
We must be Christ’s vessel of hope.
Hopeless people need to see Him in us.
During this season of Advent why not commit to performing one random act of kindness a day for those needing hope?
BTW…praying for those in need of hope is often the most powerful random act of kindness you can perform.
Romans 12:12, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.