Mind Poverty

“We immediately become more effective when we decide to change ourselves rather than asking things to change for us.”  ~Stephen Covey

There is no greater poverty than “poverty of the mind.”  When one forgets he or she is the only person to have the ability to truly change his or her circumstance, poverty of the mind sets in and slowly but surely a life becomes paralyzed due to thinking things will never change.

What areas in your life have you allowed “poverty” to set in?

Do you find yourself hoping and waiting for something to change?  Hope is postponed disappointment and waiting is…waiting.

Decide today you will no longer wait for things to change; instead you will take action to change yourself and in-turn change your circumstances.  A key part in making change happen is understanding we can’t do it alone.  Seek God’s help through the wise counsel of another human being.



Proverbs 19:8, “Those who get wisdom love their own lives; those who cherish understanding will soon prosper.”

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