The opening quote came to me as I reflected on the last four years of my life.
Our family has experienced significant loss.
Lori and I have experienced friends battling severe illnesses and some, sadly, losing their battles.
These last four years have been an emotional pain.
I’m grateful that I have Lori to share this pain.
In his book, “Breathing Under Water,” Randy Rohr writes, “Deep communion and dear compassion are formed much more by shared pain than pleasure.”
Rohr’s book is a Christian perspective on the 12 Steps, which the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous created.
Whenever I attend an AA meeting, I feel a spirit of deep communion and dear compassion because we all share our pain from a common denominator–addiction.
12 Step programs have succeeded because of this critical connective spirit among its members.
Do you have someone you can share your emotional pain with? If not, is there a counselor you can talk with or a 12 Step meeting you can attend?
Emotional pain cannot be effectively dealt with on your own…I write from experience.
James 5:16, Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.