Control is an interesting phenomena; the more we hold on the weaker we get, the more we let go the stronger we get… The devil loves to try and convince us we can control everything.  He also likes for us to  think the best way to overcome our fears is by being controlling.  Being a…
Whipping the devil – Day 32 – Worry
“There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and the one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Whatever you are worrying about is either going to happen or it isn’t going to happen, so what good is worry? “If you pray why worry, if…
Whipping the devil – Day 31 – Comfort
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ~Neale Donald Walsch Yesterday I wrote on ruts which is another area the devil loves to get us to play/wallow in. I received an email about yesterday’s “Ruts” blog:  “Jay, what would you identify as a rut?” My response…verbatim: “It is when you continue to do…
Whipping the devil – Day 30 – Ruts
“The only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions.” ~Ellen Glasgow Procrastination, obstacles, distractions and indecision are all great “fear-tools” the devil uses in order to get us to create ruts in our life. What is scary is how easy it is to feel comfortable in a rut. The comfort derives from…
Whipping the devil – Day 29 – Indecision
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” Zig Ziglar Procrastination, distraction and indecision are all fear based behaviors that steal precious time from our lives.  The thief (devil) loves to steal anything he can especially our time. We are all going to die as we are…
Whipping the devil – Day 28 – Distractions
“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” Zig Ziglar I already wrote about procrastination and the same type of fear causing us to procrastinate also causes us to be vulnerable to distractions. The enemy loves to distract us as distractions cause us to go off course,…
Whipping the devil – Day 27 – Obstacles
“When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.” Zig Ziglar I’ve lived long enough to know obstacles are simply a part of the path to success and no matter what we are doing in life, there will be obstacles. Although I don’t think the…
Whipping the devil – Day 26 – Unforgivableness
“Often there is but a fine line between experiencing peace on earth instead of hell on earth. The line is called forgiveness.” ~Jay Meyer The burdens of resentment, shame and guilt are heavy loads to carry and the devil loves for our load to be heavy. We carry resentments because we consider an act toward…
Whipping the devil – Day 25 – Hypocrites
“A hypocrite is a person who – but who isn’t?” ~Don Marquis In an earlier post I noted excuses were like our hind ends; we all have one and they all stink! Excuses are often derived from fear and the type of fear that prevents us from growing and expanding is from the devil. Over…
Whipping the devil – Day 24 – Time
“Wise is the man who doesn’t wait to be on his death bed in order to value every minute he has on earth.” ~JJM A couple of mornings ago during my devotion/meditation time the above thought came to me. Can you imagine what it would be like to not waste a minute of time while…