I’m reading a book “How The Mighty Fail” by Jim Collins. Collins is known for his best selling books about business, “Built to Last” and “Good to Great.” In “How The Mighty Fail” Collins researches and details the reasons why companies that were one time considered great end up failing. He does a great job…

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Last night during our cell group of Christian friends, we had a brief discussion on righteousness and self-righteousness. I shared with the group that the less self-righteous I become the more I realize how much I don’t know and in turn this creates a yearning for me to obtain “God-righteousness.” Isaiah writes in chapter 32,…

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“God meaning”

The following was a part of my morning devotion/reading for Monday, May 25, 2009. This is a “reflection” written by a faithful servant at Ginghamsburg Church. Ginghamsburg has a great on line devotional called the “Transformation Journal.” To see more–go to “Chasing After The Wind” Ecclesiastes 2:10, 11 (TNIV) I denied myself nothing my…

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Livin’ the Real Way

My favorite definition of character is “the ability to handle the demands of reality.” The stronger your character the better you can handle whatever life throws your way-without compromising the core beliefs God has given you. Living a Godly life means living a life in reality. For years I created my own reality. Addictions and…

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God is God

Recently Romans 8:28 keeps appearing to me in various places; “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”  A couple of days ago I finally had an epiphany about the tragic loss of my buddy Joe as I thought “God can do…

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