What’s Your Season? (keeping the main thing the main thing)

My pastor Mike Slaughter, whom I have much respect, did his annual “LIFE PURPOSE” message this weekend.  He challenges us to look deeper and create a vision and mission for our lives driven by God.  After the service last night a recovery friend of mind, Kathleeen, came up to me and asked me to pray with her.  She was…

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Spirit Pleasing & Discipline = Eternal Life

There are days that I think discipline has become a four letter word in the United States.  It seems as though we’ve become a society willing to depend upon other people, places and things in order to find health, wealth and happiness.  If you don’t understand where I’m coming from watch the news.  How about the lady that…

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Interview with Mike Slaughter

Mike Slaughter the lead pastor/visionary of Ginghamsburg Church interviewed me this past weekend.  The interview is posted on Mike’s blog.  Click the link below if you want to hear a little bit about my struggles and subsequent victory…a day at a time…over drugs and alcohol…but for the Grace of God. http://mikeslaughter.com/jaymeyerinterview

Thank God for the unseen…

Reading the newspaper and watching the news these days certainly causes someone like me to scratch my head and say what in the heck is going on?  This morning I read 2 news articles and had to stop and do some scripture reading in order to maintain my sanity and serenity. First let’s talk stimulus…

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Self Talk

One of the greatest ways to become successful (i.e. accomplishing predetermined worthwhile goals that make a difference in the world) is to learn how to talk effectively to yourself.   As infants and children our minds are programmed by the conditions we were raised in. As children our brains are fresh and very formative.  The bad news is if…

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He will never forsake you…

Last night the weather report indicated we were in for a winter storm.  We could expect rain, snow, ice and all of the above.  People rushed to the grocery to get extra food.  Most schools cancelled all activities for today because of the much anticipated storm.  I like snow, I was excited because snowy days…

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Where is your Faith?

This morning I was reading Luke chapter 8 and was taken in by Jesus’ words “where is your faith?”  He spoke these words to his disciples when they thought they were going to drown as they were caught in a nasty storm on a lake in a boat.  Therse four (4) words are so powerful and…

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