One Step at a Time

The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

— Chinese Proverb —


The opening quote is so true.

How many times do we try to move an entire mountain all at once and end up giving up and going back to our old ways because what we are trying to do seems impossible?


In Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), there are 12 Spiritual Steps.  These steps, when taken in order, lead us to a personal-spiritual awakening.  Once we have this spiritual awakening, we have a much better chance of maintaining continuous sobriety a day at a time.  It took me eighteen months to get through the 12 Steps the first time.  I had a sponsor who guided me through the process.

Going through the steps was and is a grueling process that helped me take full responsibility for my life. It helped me understand if I wasn’t the problem, there was no solution…imagine the possibilities in our world if everyone went through the steps. 🙂

In my experience of working with and observing people trying to get sober in AA, the people who fail are the ones who do step 1 (admit they have a problem) and then bypass the next 10 Steps to get to number 12 (carry the message to others), because it is a lot easier to help others than it is to work on ourselves.

All great movements begin with small steps taken one step at a time, one day at a time.

Galatians 6:9, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”


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