“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.” (Proverbs 17:22 NLT)
Recently I had an interesting discussion via email with some friends as we openly debated an issue relevant to the Christian community worldwide. It always amazes me how much can be learned from others through candid discussion. After this exercise of point-counterpoint, I spent some time reflecting on why I always seem to find the positive side to everything or the fact that I seem to thoroughly enjoy countering those who are representing what I consider negative points of view.
I remember seeing this quote somewhere years ago; “Jesus came to tell us what we can do and not what we can’t do.” In other words the law, although still a great resource to know right from wrong, was replaced by Jesus so we could have abundant life in the here and now as well as the afterlife.
By accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior we not only get this free gift of eternal life but we also reap the fruits of the Holy Spirit; “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23 NLT)…if we try our best to follow Him.Â
Jesus wants us to experience peace and joy no matter what the circumstance. This is not easy, but once it becomes a habit, life becomes so much more enjoyable regardless of the situation. I’ve experienced my own negativism being tranformed into positivism and possibilities over the past several years and it is a great way to not only live life but to enjoy life. Â
As I reflect back on my career of coaching the teammates that worked for me at my business, I always painted a picture of “this is what the customer and you will have if we do these things.” When I coached my kids’ AAU basketball teams I always talked about “this is what we need to do in order to win championships.” During my kids formative years I always talked about “this is what can happen if you do these things.” When I talk to others about Jesus I tell them “this is what you will gain by following Jesus’ instructions.”
Painting a picture of possibilities creates much more drive and determination in human beings than painting a picture of losses. When you are able to look at situations and see possibilities and opportunities instead of losses and negative consequences you will win a lot more “games” in life than you lose. Â
The Proverb above tells it all…positivity and cheerfulness is good medicine and creates a winning formula, negativism breaks the spirit and saps a person’s strength.
If you struggle with negativism and always see the cup as “half-empty”, challenge yourself to replace your can’t-do statements with can-do’s. Choose to hang with and interact with other “can-do” people (this includes what you read as well as those you listen to on radio and watch on T.V.) and most importantly read, listen to, and follow the One who tells us what we can-do, and that One is Jesus. Â
The debate I had with my friends the other day served as a way for me to not only broaden my knowledge on a subject matter, but also served as an opportunity to write a blog…now that’s what I’m talking about.