Our world seems angry.
People are restless and don’t know who to believe.
Media has become a very effective tool for evil.
Have you ever noticed that’s how things often work?
Something good becomes bad?
Media was once a great tool to gain valuable information, reconnect with old friends, and share cool experiences with one another.
Now it’s a great tool to get you to think a certain way–to be angry at a certain kind of people that don’t think the way you do–those same people you were so happy to be reconnected with.
The Wright brothers changed the world in 1903.
Almost 98 years later on September 11, 2001, the Wright brothers’ world-changing invention was turned into a terrorist weapon that killed nearly 3,000 people.
After overcoming his brothers’ attempt at killing him and rising to second-in-command of Egypt, Joseph stated in Genesis 50:20, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
The devil’s version of Genesis 50:20–“What God intends for good, I will do everything I can to turn it into evil.”
Be aware, alert, and ever diligent.
The devil is gaining momentum. Evil is insidiously cunning, baffling, and powerful.
God beats the evil every day of the week…reread Genesis 50:20.
If we want to tame the devil we need to be spending more time walking with God than we are walking with the devil.
A couple of ways to de-weaponize the devil and soothe your soul is by unplugging from spaces, places, and faces who get you wound up. And if you can’t unplug–accept what you cannot change.
…and stop praying to the devil by quarreling with one another…I say.
None but ourselves can free the mind. ~Bob Marley