The world we live in, especially the United States, tries to convince us otherwise when pondering the quote by Mr. Emerson above.
When we take a look at what Emerson considers our purpose(s) in life, living becomes a bit easier:
Useful = Able to be used for a practical purpose.
Honorable = Having and showing honesty and good moral character.
Compassionate = Feeling or showing concern for someone who is fighting a challenge.
How useful, honorable, and compassionate are you?
I know for me when I am being useful, honorable, and compassionate; joy, peace, and happiness are often by-products of living this way.
If you are not very happy these days try being useful, honorable, and compassionate. Chances are you will find a little happiness but better yet you will feel as though your life has a purpose because you will be making a difference.
Matthew 25:40, “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (NIV)