Solutions, Problems and Me*

If I’m not the problem, there is no solution.

I first heard the above phrase about 26 years ago when I was sitting in a 12-Step meeting trying to figure out how to not drink or drug one day at a time.  It is the underlying meaning of The Serenity Prayer.  “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Whenever I have a problem I have choices (according to the Serenity Prayer):

1.  I can accept the problem…even if I don’t like it.

2.  I can change the problem not by changing it, but by changing the way I view and act toward the problem.

3.  I can view the problem as unacceptable and remove myself from it.

Therefore whenever I am presented a problem I have 3 solutions to choose from and if I stay in the problem by continuing to bitch and moan about it then I become the problem.

…nuff said


Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Him who stengthens me.”


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