The other “F” word

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and self-discipline.”  (NIV)

Beginning in early  2009 I began struggling with a new calling I was receiving from God.  At first I didn’t listen and blew it off as a “grandiose thought,” which is something most of us alcoholics and addicts have to deal with.  Then one of the biggest wake up calls of my life occurred when my buddy Joe died on April 14, 2009.  Joe was a person I had tried to reach and lead to the Lord, which I had some success with, but I always told myself “there would be time” and then on April 14, 2009 my time was up.

About a year ago a family friend and Christ follower emailed me and said God had spoken to her in a dream and she had something to share with me.  I told her to come over as I believe God does his best work through his people.  Our friend proceeded to share with Lori and I her dream and it matched up with what God had been telling me for months.

So what prevented me from taking the leap and listening to God?  The other “F Word” i.e. fear.  You see if I did what God was calling me to do it meant I would have to walk away from my baby, one of my biggest dreams come true, the little corner drugstore that had transformed into a nationally respected and highly sought after entity.

The pharmacy gave me peace of mind, it gave me a solid income, it gave me meaning, it gave me a platform to help others and attract others to the Lord.

But…and this is a big BUT…if I was really walking the walk…I needed to do what God was calling me to do and get over the fear of what would happen if I let go of my current situation.

I let go on March 26, 2010 and these past 7 months have been unbelievable as God has led me in 4 different directions which all involve helping others and I am as excited as I’ve ever been about life.

What is ironic about this entire situation is that our friend who shared her dream with us was someone who was practically paralyzed by fear because of something that happened in her past.  She was one who had very little self esteem and spent more time worrying about what others thought about her instead of thinking about what she could do for others.  In fact she was scared to death when she shared her dream with us but she knew it was the right thing to do as a Christ follower.  What a huge step that was for her and for us!

Since that day we’ve been blessed with the opportunity to watch our friend deal with and overcome the fears generated from her past to such a point she has not only made a 180 degree change with her self esteem but she is approaching life with a new set of eyes and vigor. Most importantly she is helping others by sharing her testimony about that incident in her life that lead to a life of fear, paralysis and inaction. 

This transformation process wasn’t easy for her as she figured out she could not do it alone.  She sought  help from me as a Life Coach (which was part of my new future that came about from her God dream…how ironic is that?), she sought the help of a professional counselor as well as a friend she could totally rely on to be a sounding board and then added a personal trainer to help her with her physical health.  It was so cool to finally see her say good riddance to her fears.

Satan loves it when our fears prevent us from being all that God wants us to be.  There are healthy fears like the fear I have of alcohol and drugs but the fears that prevent us from living and being the hands and feet of Jesus (i.e. unhealthy fears) are the fears satan loves to see us get hung up on…and are often the fears that lead us to drink, drug, eat, spend, gamble, porn etc… 

A great way to get to the bottom of our unhealthy fears is to do a personal inventory and write everything we are “hanging” onto from the past.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  Then we need to share this inventory with someone we trust and turn it over to God.  Then we consider that moment as a new beginning in our life where the past will no longer dictate the future. 

I wish I could say everything will be great when that moment takes place, but that moment is the moment we open the door to the potential gifts the future holds. 

It takes action to walk over the threshold and continue to walk the new walk into our new future.  This is where many people get hung up because the new walk will not happen without the help of others.  Let me repeat that; the new walk will not happen without the help of others.  You see, God does his best work by working through other people.

Seeking help from and listening to others who can help you remain “free” from the past and energized by the potential of the future, is a great way to leave your unhealthy fears in the past and live the life God wants you to live. 

Our friend as well as Lori and I can certainly attest to that!


2 comments on “The other “F” word

  1. Michelle Dieperink on

    Amazing Grace!!! I am so appreciative to you both for believing in me before I could believe in myself. Sometimes I feel like the guy on the Verizon commercials with all the folks behind him. Except I am being encouraged by God fearing people. I am so thankful to be on this journey with you. Your ministry brings Isaiah 61:1 alive to me… preaching good news, binding the broken hearted, proclaiming freedom for the captives, and releasing the prisoners from darkness. Let’s continue being dangerous Chrisitans!!!!

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