This past Monday during a recovery meeting I attend, we were discussing death and the various fears associated with death. A friend of mine said his biggest fear of death is not for him but for those close to him who have not yet found Jesus. My mind started to wonder and I asked this question to the group “I wonder how many people over the years have given their lives to Jesus when they knew they were not far from taking their last breath?” In this question I was trying to give my friend hope because I knew he was concerned about his Dad. I believe eternal life has been granted to millions and millions of people as they were thinking their last thoughts and about to take their last breath. Yes, God is that loving and forgiving!
For some of us it seems to take a certain amount of pain, vulnerability and hopelessnes in order to get out of ourselves and seek something greater. Can you say EGO (Edging God Out)? I remember yelling out to God years ago, in pure desperation…”God help me!” I no longer had the strength to live the way I was living and out of pure despair I gave God a shot at saving this heathen. The next day I was in a chemical dependency treatment center. The fact that I did not want to be there is another story for another blog, but I was literally lifted out of my self-induced hell to safety and a chance at transformation.
Today my sobriety is dependent upon admitting my vulnerability and weakness to God first thing every morning when I’m on my knees praying and dying to myself. One of the most disappointing things for me to watch in the recovery community is when a person asks God for help, he or she is saved from their hell, and they quickly or slowly forget WHO saved them and they eventually get back into “it.” Admitting vulnerability and weakness and asking God for help a day at a time is the only way I can live today. It gives me strength and courage and ultimately peace and joy. In essence, admitting weakness to God allows us to experience eternal life in the here and now, we don’t have to wait until we die.
Paul tells us about Jesus’ words in 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness,” then Paul goes on to state in verse 10, “For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
It is impossible to be strong through the Spirit if we do not admit our weakness in the flesh. Try dying to yourself a day at a time while seeking God’s strength and you will experience a new joy and happiness that does not come from you. Become weak so you can become strong…
I used to think that those who were humble were a bunch of wussies. God apparently didn’t agree with me and proceeded to show me where te real strength comes from. I am so glad he did and I am still alive to tell and share it. Fortunately by His grace, in making me humble I have been transformed into a person that has gained the strength to tackle the addictions that use to enslave me. The strength in the spirit within me comes from the relation I have with Christ. Maintaining the steps daily keeps me focused on Jesus and the fountain of strength that I can draw from. He doesn’t leave me , but I can sure leave him if I do not maintain contact with him. I know that I cannot do anything about my past, and Jesus tells us that tomorrow has enough worries of its own, So, therefore I must live for Him today. One day at a time, sweet Jesus!
Amen Reed